Last week-end the Anaheim Ducks won the Lotto 649. They sent the prime rights of negociation with UFA goaltender Roberto Luongo out with versatile forward Kyle Brodziak to the Wild in exchange of 649k SHL dollars. There are now serious discussion among the coaching staff that if Brodziak would move to the right wing during training camp, the Wild might suffer success. The issue is still ongoing. As for the talented but aging Luongo, they have bigger plans for him.

With the Wild In Constant Evolution (ICE), it seems more like the Big Bang theory right now in Minni. Just like how the Universe started with a small singularity, then inflated over the next 13.8 billion years to the cosmos that we know today, we hope that small pieces like good drafting and clever signings would bring back a winning « atmosphere » back in St.Paul in 4-5 years time. Just like Eddie Vedder sings:its Evolution baby ! After all, if this Wild team is given the chance to fly and catch a Lightning Bolt,off he goes like Pilate or a Red Mosquito to Nothingman. No need to be in Hiding wearing Black Corduroy. And all the players would become Better Man!Its a Wishlist!

As for master Luongo monster big plan. Everybody knows that Lou could play very well the 1 Strombone on Twitter so he will be ask to do just that and much more while promoting the Wild at the same time! We all need a bit more of that ($$$) and much more!

Like the famous hockey theorist Sean McIndoe said, everything that goes down will eventually go back up…or maybe its the other way around! You get the idea! For sure man, its one small step for the Wild mankind…I should stop here!

Enjoy free agency boys and girl!

P.S. With bringing the 2 Stanley Cup winners in Minni, the Wild will comply with the salary cap rules. That explain the title.

P.S.2 Now all of you shark GMs, dont mess up my master plan! 🙂