Please tell us your real first name and where do you live right now? Is it Spike, Skip… Rod?
Answer from the Unknown : My Real first name is…………………………Rodney

Ok! So where does the Spike name come from then ?
Rodney words: Spike is my last name. Most people don’t know but the lineage goes back to the most powerful Kings ever to rule Europe, all countries. Any record of this has been erased from History and you won’t find it in google. But it be true.
SL : My fate is in your hands!

Here Lance question : You seem to find success in every league you’re in. Are you lucky or just that good?
Rodney words: Being a Champion is in my blood. I strive to be my best at everything I do – when you perform at or near your best most of the time championships will follow. I first knew I had championship blood at very young age when I beat basically everybody pitching cards in “leansies” and “topsies”. I then went on to collect the entire series of baseball stickers from the Hostess Chips series. As long as athelticsim or physical strength isn’t required I have some of the Richest Championship Blood in all of Fall River NS.
SL : That sets you up for a long time! Just for our records here : How many settlers in Fall River?
Rodney words : 2,337

According to Blake, you are the one that we are all been looking for with the interview process! How did you become THE legend?
Rodney words : FOCUS ON THE PROCESS, not the result. Perfect the process, and the result will follow.
SL : And that philosophy has a name? Can it be learned by others ?
Rodney words : It’s The Spike Effect. It can be learned by others for $19.95 -that will get you the book.

What is your secret recently? Any hidden gem on your prospect list?
Rodney words : Insulated Cups for hot and cold drinks. I have a Yeti Cup and a few corksicles. They are amazing. No more 3 trips to the microwave for one coffee. No more going through half of a bag of ice for 4 double Whiskeys.
SL : Double use ! I like that! Are these insulated cups sold outside Fall River? And do you make you own Whiskey from the Johnson or Miller (Muller) rivers? Or just get it from random kids at the skatepark?
Rodney words: I am banned from the Skatepark. NSLC. Handles of Crown Royal.

I haven’t seen you make a trade so far this season except Savard and Johansen in late August? Any big plans with the trade deadline?
Rodney words : Nope. I have nothing left to offer from this rebuilding pile of Dog Shit. Patience. Process. Development. THEN POUNCE!
SL : Any idea when that “pouncing” will occur? Any timeline set by the organization?
Rodney words: No Comment.

You know that you are in control of the NHL richest franchise, the Montreal Canadiens. Lots of your fellow (jealous) SHL GMs would probably do anything to kick you out of the office and sit on that big chair! What would you say to them?
Rodney words : Careful what you wish for. The French are Fickle Cunts.

When and how did you first find out about the SHL?
Rodney words : I was dominating the CDNHL for years but Ransom didn’t tell me about the SHL for some time. I get it – CHampionship Bloood.
SL : That Ransom guy! He wants to keep it for himself only! He looks like that type of guy! How did it take it when you found out, from others I would think, of the existence of the SHL?
Rodney words : Nope the invite came from Ransom. His balls dropped I guess. Or he found the cupboard in which his wife’s stores the tupperware in which his balls are kept.

Who is your favorite NHL team?
Rodney words : The Toronto Maple Leafs. 44 years.
SL : Really! That must feel weird to control the SHL Habs being a Leafs fan? Maybe that’s the punishment Ransom wanted to give you? I feel a betrayal coming from another Leafs fan!!!

Who is your favorite player of all time?
Rodney words : That’s a tough one. I think it’s a tie. For many moons it was Doug GIlmour (Currently have a cat of the same name). Then we got to watch Mats Sundin grow from a Boy into a Man, a leader, a legend.
Honorable Mention – Wendel Clark.
SL : Talking about a tie. How about Tie Domi?
Rodney words : I wish Tie was on todays Leafs!

Who is the person you would like to meet (dead or alive)? Feel free to explain!
Rodney words: Chris Ransom. No Ransom No Sim leagues for this guy. I would like to buy him a beer, or a chardonnay? WHatever he drinks.
SL : I don’t know Chris that much but I think he would appreciate a simple glass of water just to be in your presence! Just to be able to have a chat with you!

Question : If you could catch a GM asleep and steal one of his players, who would that be? Not that you really need anything right now!
Rodney words: Whoever has Auston Matthews. Stud.
SL: Being a Leaf kind of helps but he is scoring machine! Good choice!

You get first overall to start a league, which player would you choose? And why?
Rodney words: Auston Matthews. Stud.
SL : Why do you keep saying stud? Are you working on a construction site?
Rodney words : Stud.

What’s the best way to approach you about a trade request?
Rodney words : BE Fair, honest, concise is the quickest way to get a deal done. You have to listen to the rading partner’s needs.

What annoys you when a GM approaches you ?
Rodney words : Body Odor.
SL : Lucky we are all doing it behind our respective screens! Imagine a few drips of that on your keyboard or mouse!

I know the SHL rulebook is a near perfect work but if they was one rule that you would change or add, what would it be?
Rodney words : : Pass?
SL: Chris would be happy to read that his rules are perfect according to the Champion!

If there was no stupid virus around, and you have an unlimited amount of cash, where would be the first destination you travel into? Could be space!
Rodney words : I could care less about Covid at this point. Supposed to go to Punta Cana on Xmas day. Wife chickened out on Dec 21st. We now have Mexico booked for March 11th – and John Mayer in Boston on March 5th. Hopefully her balls will drop and we go. Wait……………
SL : You let us know how it goes! Enjoy!

What gets you these days! Sports event, TV Series, your cat, anything?
Rodney words: Love my Cats. Yellowstone really blew me away. A great Tennis Match is hard to beat you know?
SL : Nice to see more Canadians on the scoreboard these days! Nadal, Djokovic and Federer has giving us a great last 20 years of tennis drama!

Any questions, queries, comments or dark secrets you want to add before we leave?
Rodney words : They call me Rafa around the local Hard Court Circuit.
SL : It takes a Champion to recognize another one ! Aren’t you better on “grass” ? 🙂

Thanks a lot for answering all my questions! Now! Who would you like to hear about next and what should be the first question?
Answer: Adam – Is he still in this league?
SL : I’ll ask him!